Parent Classes

Current ADHD research shows that Parent Training leads to significant reduction in challenging behaviors.

Parent Training is a process for parents to learn more about ADHD and how it affects their child, actively gaining new parenting approaches that uniquely address their child’s ADHD symptoms and behaviors. 

An added benefit is that you do this training with a group of parents experiencing similar challenges, so you build community and learn from one another. As an experienced facilitator and ADHD Coach, I create a safe, nurturing space to grow and connect.

Calm and Connected is a 6-session parenting course that provides tools and strategies to bring about lasting, systemic change in parenting a child with ADHD and Executive Function challenges! 

**A 6-week course doesn’t always fit into your life or maybe you don’t live in the Seattle area. I can weave this information into Parent Coaching sessions instead. Check it out.

School Advocacy

I have a Master’s in Education, Special Education Teaching Certificate and have been an Elementary School Principal. I understand the IEP and 504 process and can help you advocate for your child. The school system can be overwhelming and confusing. It helps to have someone alongside you that speaks their language.

educational consultant school advocate iep adhd

Public Speaking

I am available to speak to groups of parents and teachers. I offer free events for Title 1 schools.

Presentation Topics:

  • Understanding, Supporting and Surviving Big Emotions
  • How to Reduce Challenging Behaviors and Increase Skills: Collaborative Problem Solving
  • Skills for Success: Executive Functioning and Mindset
  • Top Ten Strategies for Parenting Children with ADHD and Executive Functioning Challenges
  • Fostering EF Literate Students – Teacher Training
  • Adaptations or special topics upon request.